Thursday, July 13, 2017

Two years of Transition

Dear loyal readers and visitors,
After two years of what seems like one endless transition Tanner and I finally feel like we have energy to share our stories and knowledge gained together. In the last two years Tanner and I have:
  • Became a team
  • Lived for a month in a hotel before our new apartment became available
  • Began working for our amateur Summit Assistance Dogs
  • Discovered new apartment really wasn't ground floor accessible and tried to make it work including having friends try to build a ramp
  • Moved in with friends for two months while we look for a new place 
  • Found and moved in to a new minimally accessible apartment where we lived along with some dogs in training and eventually our best friend again for a year and a half
  • Decided with said best friend to find and purchase a house. Which took looking at around 40 houses, putting in seven offers, and a little over six months.
So, again, we apologize for being gone so long, but hope you can understand.

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