First, let me apologized for being away so long. Life in the brick and mortar world has been running on all cylinders with or without me! These last few months have brought my little pack change after change. Cammy, my roommate's guide dog, retired to Texas to live with her parents. By all accounts she is very happy in her retirement and has everyone wrapped around her paws. We, then, welcomed Blaise who was then a seven month old Golden retriever in to the house. He is now a year old and picking up his training like a fish to water! My roommate is working through
Oregon Assistance Dogs to train Blaise to be her next guide, and right now he shows every sign of becoming a great partner for her. Next we welcomed Cash, a then 13 month old black Labrador who was already tipping the scales at 70lbs as a foster from Oregon Assistance Dogs. Cash came along in training very quickly, but he is a bit anxious and public work of a service dog proved to be too much for him, so he is being career changed. He is a very sweet, smart dog who was to go, go, go... Maybe he would do better with higher activity work. S&R, drug dog who knows. Next, we, my roommate and I, were asked to serve on Oregon Assistance Dog's Board.
Lastly, I decided to start grad school in Portland. I drive up and back one night a week for a three hour class. Tired yet? I sure am, but change is good... Gotta go to class now!