Thursday, June 28, 2012

Caring for an Elderly Dog - Age is Often Mistaken as a Symptom of a Treatable Illness - Whole Dog Journal Article

Aaron Epstein’s 14-year-old Australian Shepherd-mix, Sam, was losing weight and his appetite wasn’t the same. “I just thought he was getting old because in addition to not eating with the same vigor, he was slowing down a bit, wasn’t able to walk as far, and sleeping a little too much,” Epstein recalls. The once 45-pound dog had shed close to 15 pounds -30 percent of his body weight -before concerned friends could convince a reluctant Epstein to get Sam to the veterinarian for an exam and blood work, both long overdue.
Caring for an Elderly Dog - Age is Often Mistaken as a Symptom of a Treatable Illness - Whole Dog Journal Article

Monday, June 25, 2012

New legislation recognizes role of service animals in Canadian Providence of Newfoundland & Laborador

Advances in animal training have prompted the provincial government to rework its service animal legislation.
The traditional guide dog, while still in use, is not the only type of service animal, states a government news release.
The Blind Persons’ Rights Act, passed in 1981, will be repealed once the new legislation is passed.
The Service Animals Act takes into account the wide variety of uses for service animals, and recognizes they may not always be dogs, said Felix Collins, the minister of justice and the general.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Messy Job: Poop Scooping with a Disability

There are many responsibilities that come with a a service dog. Without a doubt one of the most gross, but paramount for being viewed as a responsible handler is poop scooping. This can be a challenging job for those of us whose disabilities and the equipment we use prevent use from easily reaching the ground.

 Long Handled/ Low Dexterity Pooper Scoopers

Then there are those of use who can bend but don't want to touch it or who can bend but have hand dexterity problems that prevent them from performing grabbing motions.

No Touch Pocket Size