ORTLAND, Ore. – A proposed change in Oregon law would make it clearer what's a service dog and what's not.
If the Oregon bill becomes law, it would more closely match the changes
in federal law when it comes to service animals. It would narrow the
types of dogs allowed in places like grocery stores, boutiques and even
For someone like Patricia Kepler, who has been blind since she was 17
years old, a dog's not just a pet but a necessity. The increasing
popularity of allowing dogs in stores and on MAX trains and buses, she
says, puts her and her working guide dog, Nisha, at risk.
"My dog has been lunged at, especially in the MAX is the biggest
problem," she said. "People bring their pet dogs on the MAX because
there is no train operators in each of the cars and she's been lunged at
and barked at. It's been an issue."Read More/Watch video