Monday, August 21, 2017

Fading Prompts and lures in training

Whole Dog  Journal unearthed this from their archives this morning.
This article includes self assessment  to see which lures/ prompts you and your dog are stuck on and how to fade out needing them.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Two years of Transition

Dear loyal readers and visitors,
After two years of what seems like one endless transition Tanner and I finally feel like we have energy to share our stories and knowledge gained together. In the last two years Tanner and I have:
  • Became a team
  • Lived for a month in a hotel before our new apartment became available
  • Began working for our amateur Summit Assistance Dogs
  • Discovered new apartment really wasn't ground floor accessible and tried to make it work including having friends try to build a ramp
  • Moved in with friends for two months while we look for a new place 
  • Found and moved in to a new minimally accessible apartment where we lived along with some dogs in training and eventually our best friend again for a year and a half
  • Decided with said best friend to find and purchase a house. Which took looking at around 40 houses, putting in seven offers, and a little over six months.
So, again, we apologize for being gone so long, but hope you can understand.