The title says it all. Working, living with, and loving service dogs is a way of life.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Update: Team Training
I am beyond excited to start the process of training with Shilo. I would be lying if I said it wasn't going to be hard to go up there and come back without her. I am consoling myself with the advantages I believe this new training approach may have. For instance, I will be able to spend some prolonged time with Shilo without uprooting her world view, This period of watching Shilo and I work will give the trainer more information about any tweaking needed to her training (and my preparation before) October, and I will be able to ask some burning questions I have before I have to embark on the all consuming process of bonding and becoming a team. My roommate Leslie and her Guide Dog, Cammy, are also coming along so that Summit can meet them --not too mention a little vacation before school starts back up again. Finding the right person for the dog and the right dog for the person is a difficult match making process. The Summit staff must compare the dog's strengths, weakness, energy level, preferred home environment with those of the human partner and make the best make possible. While there is no such thing as a perfect match since perfect leaves no room for the growth and adaptation that create a true team. The Summit staff have the difficult task of making those match whee the human and dog will eventually meet in the middle and become indispensable to each other. For now I pour over my team training binder and identify books in my dog library [See Favorite Books about Living and Working with Dogs to the right].
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Book Review: A Dog Who's Always Welcome by Lorie Long
Ms. Long shows the average dog owner how they can help their dog live the full life of a true best friend and companion. This book is not just about raising and training your dog to be a good canine citizen. Just as a service dog is only as good as the person on the other end of the leash, a confident dog about town needs an owner who is consistent, fair, willing to put in time, and who love them as unconditionally as our dogs do humans. Through out the book Ms. Long, along with the seasoned therapy and service dog trainers stress the importance of choosing a dog appropriate for your family, lifestyle, and how you envision the role of your dog in your family. Dogs are sentient beings who can be happy, driven, confused, excited, stressed, tired, and sick; they can reach extraordinary heights when they have owners who not only love them-- but respect and understand them as the unique beings they are. In A Dog Who's Always Welcome reader learn about understanding who their dog is, defining the experiences and skills their dog will need in their everyday life, developing a plan to teach their dog about their world, and teaching the dog the skills they will need to enjoy life to the fullest. Ms. Long weaves the example and experiences of service dog partners and trainers to illustrate the keys to raising a dog who enjoys learning, problems solves, and know that you will be their when the human world just doesn't make sense. The positive training techniques, emphasis on socialization, and list of useful commands can help even the most novice dog owner understand how that dog that they didn't even notice under the table next to theirs could have been there all day and they wouldn't have noticed.
While overall, this reviewer found Ms. Long's book to be well done, I was disappointed to see that Ms. Long choose to use disempowering language when talking about people with disabilities choosing terms like suffering, confined and wheelchair bound rather than more respectful terms in People First Language . Ms Long also states the the ADA guarantees public access for trainers training service dog. Unfortunately, this is not true. In fact, the ADA silent on the issue on access for trainers working with possible future service dogs. The ADA left the decision on access for dogs in training up to the individuals states. Anyone with a dog in training should check their state laws about public access and use the steps in A Dog Who's Welcome to ensure you dog has the skills to begin training in public.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Service Dogs strut their stuff on YouTube
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Note to Readers August 2008
If you are only reading the main posts, you are missing a goldmine of information in this blog. Look Right and you will find:
- Upcoming Post Topics
- Favorite Books on Living and Working with Dogs
- Links to the Service Dog Community
- My Blog List- other blogs on Service Dogs I think you will enjoy.
- Labels: Looks for posts on a specific topic? All posts on this blogs are tagged and sorted by labels such as:
book review
choosing a dog
life with a service dog
owner training
program dogs
training tools
Update on Fundraising for Shilo

-My cousin April for her $100 Donation
-My longtime friend Wayne Terry for his donation of a Large Dog Crate ($100 value)
-Shelley Maynard,Owner of Pewter Rabbit Antiques for her $25 Donation
-Kathleen Ison for her $10 donation
-My longtime friend Anne Hensley for her $50 donation in memeroy of her first SD Andrew
-My longtime friends Pam and Loc Reader for their $100 donation
-My former co-workers at Pierce County Deparment of Emergency Management for their $155 donation.
-My Aunt and Uncle, Steven and Marie McDonald for their $100
-My college internship supervisor Mr. Jim Stevenson and family for their $100
Several people have also pledged to contribute to my Fund to attend Team Training:
-My Uncle Dale McDonald
-My Uncle Scott McDonald
-My Uncle Danny McDonald
-My Grandmother Mary Ellen Spring
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What is the Purpose of a Service Dog?
Further definitions from From Miriam-Webster Online regarding "service" and "Assist" since service dogs are also sometimes referred to as assistance animals:Q: What is a service animal?
A: The ADA defines a service animal as any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. If they meet this definition, animals are considered service animals under the ADA regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government. Service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or herself. "Seeing eye dogs" are one type of service animal, used by some individuals who are blind. This is the type of service animal with which most people are familiar. But there are service animals that assist persons with other kinds of disabilities in their day-to-day activities. Some examples include:
_____Alerting persons with hearing impairments to sounds.
_____Pulling wheelchairs or carrying and picking up things for persons with mobility impairments.
_____Assisting persons with mobility impairments with balance.
Main Entry:
1 a: the occupation or function
of servingactive service> b: employment as a servant help, use, benefit2
a: the work performed by one that servesb: be of service> c: contribution to the welfare of others d: disposal
for use
Main Entry:
transitive verb : to give
usually supplementary support or aid tointransitive verb 1 : to give support or aid 2 : to be present as a spectator The keys here are that the person have a disability the "substantially limits one or more of life's major functions" and that the dog in question has been trained to
perform tasks that the person cannot perform themselves and that mitigates their
disability. The argument on the list was in regards to what happens if the person's disability doesn't need any of the commonly trained tasks? In that case do you
really need a service dog? Based on the aforementioned definitions the answer is a
resounding no. If you have a disability that you feel would be mitigated by having a service dog, you should also be able to identify ways the dog beyond their mere presence can lessen the affects of your disability. It is important to remember that service dogs are not the latest in accessory. They are highly trained[see the Training Standards from Assistance Dogs International], working animals that enable their handlers to accomplish tasks and interact with in the public domain in ways the disability without the presence of the equiptment, namely the service dog, becomes unreasonably difficult or impossible.If a person cannot identify any asks for which a dog can be trained that will mitigate their disability beyond the
comfort of their mere persence, then they may want is an Emotional Support Animal. The only two places Emotional Support Animals are granted access under the laws are housing and flying.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Staying in Touch with the Latest News in the Service Dog Community
- Assistance Dog Club of Puget Sound Newsletter- written by the members and associates of the ADC. People interested may subscribe for $20 a year.
- Harness Up-the biennial Newsletter of the National Association of Guide Dog Users, (NAGDU) contains information of interest to guide dog users and others associated with the guide dog movement and the organized blind. Unlike many other publications on the subject of guide dogs and their use articles appearing in Harness Up are written from the stand point of guide dog users themselves. Anyone who belongs to NAGDU and who is current on their membership dues is eligible to receive Harness Up in print, or on audio cassette.
- Partners Forum- IAADP's global information sharing & advocacy newsletter links together disabled persons with guide, hearing and service dogs and assistance dog training programs on 5 continents. Under the editorship of Joan Froling, our publication has been honored for excellence in the field of Canine Newspapers by the Dog Writers Association of America at their annual Awards Banquet in New York City on numerous occasions since 1994. Selected issues are available for free download. Those needing/wanting an alternative format can subscribe for $30 annually
Thursday, August 14, 2008
News: Proposed Changes to the Definition of Service Dog
If you are tired of people fraudulently claiming their pet is a service animal, untrained animals in public, dangerous animals veiled as service dogs, or people claiming their snake is a service animal I urge you to read submit comment to these proposed changes.
Monday, August 11, 2008
News:Woman Arrested, Shackled After Pets Walk in Nearby Yard
This article reminds us as service dog owners that it is important to train your service dog to go to the bathroom on command as well as a good "Off'" cue. While we may love our dogs people do have the right to keep them out of their yards. Service dogs especially need to be impecably houesbroken. A good handler always offers their partner a chance to eliminate before going into a public place.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
News:Sad Story Reminds Service Dog Handler of the Importance of Distraction training
Articles to prevent future tragedy and keep your service dog safe:
Friday, August 8, 2008
Deciding What Tasks to Train
When owner training a service dog it is often a challenge to decide what beyond obedience that you want your future service dog to know. Since the purpose purpose of a service dog, under the ADA, is to mitigate the affects of a disability, it is important that you as the training engage in some reflection on how your disability limits you in daily life. Some questions to consider are:
- What are the primary affects of my disability currently?
- What are the secondary affect of my disability?
- Does the level of my disability fluctuate?
- What tasks do I currently depend on others to do? Could a dog be trained to take over any of these duties?
Dogs can be trained to perform a lot of tasks that will make your life easier; however, a good portion of your dogs tasks should relate to your your primary affects of your disability. A good trainer is both creative and fair about the the tasks they ask of their dog.
Myself, my primary disability is Cerebral Palsy. I use a manual wheelchair, and forearm crutches. The affects of my disability include a lack of a sense of balance, muscle spacsticity, etreme fatigue, shoulder damage, and overuse syndrome in my hands. I focused on tasks that would save my shoulders, prevent falling and save me vauable energy.
Standard tasks Bastien was trained for:
-wheelchair pulling (*note of caution: dogs with long spines or that are under 50lbs are not considered physically appropriate for the task of wheelchair pulling.)
- Tugging open doors
-Turn on and off lights
-Retrieving dropped items
-Retreiving items by name
-Getting help
-Back packing (*note A dog should never be asked to carry more than 10 percent of their weight)
Non-stand tasks Bastien was trained for (Many of these tasks capitlized on his natural talents and focused on reducing my fatigue or helping when I was fatigued):
-Unscrewing the caps off of plastic bottles (this was something he figured out on his own. I though it would be use full when my hands at I kept bottles hurt. It did require that I kept bottles with dangerous things out of his reach.)
-Flushing toilets
-Finding people in a crowd. I discovered that Bastien was very good at learning words and names and I so used that skill as much as I could.
Example 2: My friend with a hearing dog
Beyond the hearing dog tasks he has trained his dog to alert him when things fall out of his pockets.
Training Resources:
Let me know what you want to know about
Thursday, August 7, 2008
News: Next week is National Assistance Dog Week
- Educate our local communities by contacting media outlets and giving presentations
- Fundraise to support the work of service dog organizations
- Present a united front on what a well trained, well care for service dog can do for people with disabilities
- Celebrate and be thankful for all that service dogs add to our lives
Ideas for Celebrating your service dog
- Give your service dog some time off
- Take some time just for you and your service dog. Play their favorite game, go to their favorite spot, or make their favorite treat.
- Buy the service dog in your life a token of your affection a new toy, a bone, a new bed. Whatever your service dog like most.
- Engage in sessions of TTouch, or grooming
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
More on Shilo
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Update on Summit Assistance Dog Fundraiser
I wish to thank the following people for their Donations to Summit Assistance Dogs in my name:
-My Parents Sandy and Gary Greve for their $625 donation
-Shelley Maynard, Owner Pewter Rabbit Antiques for her $25 donation
-Olivia Emilia and Rob Harden for their $50 donation
Every dollar people donate to Summit goes to supprt the raising, training and placement of highly skills service dogs with people with disabilities.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Update on Fundraising for Shilo
My cousin April for her $100 Donation
My longtime friend Wayne Terry for his donation of a Large Dog Crate ($100 value)
Shelley Maynard,Owner of Pewter Rabbit Antiques for her $25 Donation
Kathleen Ison for her $10 donation
My Aunt and Uncle, Steven and Marie McDonald for their $100
I have saved $81 towards my Team Training costs in October! That brings my total so far to $416!
Several people have also pledged to contribute to my Fund to attend Team Training:
My Aunt and Uncle, Steven and Marie McDonald
My Uncle Dale McDonald
My Uncle Scott McDonald
My Uncle Danny McDonald
My Grandmother Mary Ellen Spring
Even though Summit Assistance Dogs does not charge for the dog itself, each recipient must be able to attend a team training with their new dog in Anacortes, WA for anywhere between 10-21 days.I am working to save money myself, but I work for a non-profit and I have to take at least two weeks from work to get my dog.