Friday, June 5, 2009

Book Review: This Month's Bark Features a Marathon Running Guide Dog

The May/June 2009 Issue of Bark Magazine features "Two for the Road—Guide dog helps his partner navigate the course" By Brad Crawford. This article shows what a well-matched team can achieve together. Audi, the yellow lab Guide Dog and his human, Kerry Kuck run marathons together. The article is well-written showing both the pros and cons of Kuck's decision to use his guide dog to run. For those wanting to read the rest of the article, you'll have to buy the issue or find a copy at your public library,sorry.
This month's Bark also features tips on teaching the all important "leave it"(which you'll also have to buy the magazine for however the Bark team offers this video on "leave it") and a discussion on whether gender affects a dog's ability to learn.

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