Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Humor: The Stealth Dog

Last night as I sat in the living room watching a movie, I felt I should look to see what my beloved Shiloh was doing. As I looked around for her, I caught sight of her quietly and quite happily trotting down the hall with my jacket in tow! I cracked up laughing at the image image of her carrying my jacket by the pocket with the rest trailing behind her. I realized immediately I had left chicken teats in the pocket and it was entirely her intent to steal away with this beautiful treasure to her crate!
 I called her over to me with her treasure... She considered my request for a second, then brought the treasure to me. I, of course, opened the pocket and gave her some of her sought after treasures. People are very helpful at opening things with treasure inside, we have thumbs after all!


Beth and Alfie said...

...nice to know my puppy isn't the only one who pulls little shenanigans like that! :-) Heehee...

Melissa Mitchell said...

You are definitely not alone. It seems to me the smarter they are, the more interesting the shenanigans can get! Falls under the heading of be careful what you wish for, if you ask me!lol

Katie Dwyer said...

That story is completely adorable! Shiloh the sneaker dog... She's only perfect out in public I guess.

Melissa Mitchell said...

Dear Katie,
Aren't we all on our best behavior at work?lol